For Team and Office Accounts

Create Agent Websites in HighLevel

Do you have a team or office account with IDX Broker and HighLevel? With HighLevel, you can create agent websites, but the approach you choose will determine the process.

Important: all websites will be generated using the same IDX Broker account. Consequently, they will share identical links and IDX feed.

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Agent Websites

I want to create a separate website for each agent, as they each have their own HighLevel subaccount.

I want to

Same Subdomain

Easy & Fast Use the same template for all agents

Let's say your main IDX Broker subdomain is and you have agents like Ronaldo and Becky.

You want to create agent websites with the following subdomain structure or

This option is easy to set up since you only need to add the Agent Cookie on the Agent Home page, which will persist across all IDX pages.

Watch the video below to learn how this works and see if this is the right option for you.

Step by step

Custom Subdomain (CNAME)
  • Make sure you set up your custom subdomain for your IDX Broker account on This way, your IDX pages will look like instead of
  • For example, in this IDX Broker account, the custom subdomain is, so the custom subdomain should be updated to something like

    IDX Broker subdomain
  • If you're not sure how to set up a custom subdomain, you can schedule a call with our team to help you with the process. Schedule a call
  • Learn More about CNAME
HighLevel Template
  • Create a website template in HighLevel to be utilized by all agents. Incorporate IDX Broker links and widgets into the HighLevel template. Note that there's no need to include the agentHeaderID in the links.
  • After creating the website for the agent, proceed to create a wrapper that aligns the agent's header and footer with the main IDX website.
  • Once you're done with the home page and the wrapper, let's go to the next step to add the cookie.
  • Since you'll be utilizing the same IDX Broker subdomain, you can ensure persistent cookies between the main agent website and the IDX Broker subdomain. This ensures that when a visitor navigates to the IDX Broker subdomain, the website will recognize the specific agent being sought and display the relevant agent information accordingly.
  • Simply add the following code to the agent website as a custom HTML element:
    // Get today's date
    var today = new Date();
    // Set the expiration date to be one year from today
    var expirationDate = new Date(today);
    expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1);
    // Format the expiration date as required
    var formattedExpirationDate = expirationDate.toUTCString();
    // Construct the cookie string with the dynamic expiration date
    var cookieString = "IDX-agentOwner=REPLACE_AGENT_ID;; samesite=None; expires=" + formattedExpirationDate + "; secure";
    // Set the cookie
    document.cookie = cookieString;

    For example, we replaced REPLACE_AGENT_ID with 55715 and with

    var today = new Date();
    var expirationDate = new Date(today);
    expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1);
    var formattedExpirationDate = expirationDate.toUTCString();
    var cookieString = "IDX-agentOwner=55715;; samesite=None; expires=" + formattedExpirationDate + "; secure";
    document.cookie = cookieString;

    Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to place the cookie on the agent website and get the agent ID.

  • Once you're done with the cookie, you can use this template for all agents. Whenever you're going to create a new agent website you can clone this main template and only change the agent ID in the cookie.
  • After you have cloned the template for the new agent website, add the subdomain to the agent website. For example, if the main IDX Broker subdomain is, the agent subdomain will be
  • Depending on the domain provider, you may need to create a CNAME record for the subdomain.
  • Follow this video tutorial
Agent Wrapper
  • After you have linked the domain to the GHL Agent Website, get the URL of the wrapper. This URL will be used to create a special wrapper for the agent, so it looks like the website is of the agent's own. Remember that all the agents will be using the same IDX feed, and this is the way to make it look like they have their own website.
  • Go to the LeadConnector Agent Wrappers app and follow the instructions.
  • You can watch the video tutorial below to learn how to do this.

Repeat the process for each agent

    Once you have completed the setup for the first agent, the next step is to repeat the process for each agent:

    1. Clone the template for the new agent website.
    2. Update the agent ID in the cookie.
    3. Link the subdomain to the agent website (e.g.,
    4. Use the LeadConnector Agent Wrappers app to create a wrapper for the agent and add the code snippet to the Agent subheader in IDX Broker.

If you have any questions or need help with the setup, send us an email at

FAQ Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm still confused about the different domain and same domain options. Can you explain further?

Can I use the Website Generator app to create websites in the same GHL subaccount?

If I want to use the same subdomain for all agents, how can I set up the agent domains?

What are the advantages of paying for an IDXConnect?

Why do I need to pay per agent website for IDXConnect?

I already have a template in HighLevel. How can I use it for multiple agents?

What's the advantage of using the Website Generator app for different agents?