
Facebook Ads Tutorial

Generate a Home Listing Catalog (XML Feed) using IDX Broker Saved Links.

  1. XML File

    In IDXAddons, go to the Facebook Ads app. If you don't have an IDX Broker Saved Link, the page will show like this.

    XML File

    To create a Saved Link, you can use the IDX Broker dashboard or one of the following IDXAddons Apps:

    • You can click on the "Create Saved Link" button. It will redirect you to the Saved Link Creator app.
    • One-Click Community: if you have an IDX Broker Platinum account, take advantage of this app and create a community with stats and ChatGPT content.

    Once you have created IDX Broker Saved Links, go to the Facebook Ads app and click on the "Refresh Saved Links" button.

    You will see the Saved Links in the table.

    Click on the "Add" button on the Saved Link you want to use to generate the XML feed.

    A popup will show up with the Saved Link details. Click on the "Add" button.

    The Saved Link will be added, and the "Update" and "Remove" buttons will be visible.

    You can add up to 5 Saved Links. If you want to remove a Saved Link, click on the "Remove" button.

    At the bottom of the page, you will see the "Generate file" button. Click on it to generate the XML feed.

    The XML feed will be generated and you will see the XML file URL and an option to open the XML file in a new tab.

    If you click on the "Open file" link, you will see the XML file content with the listings from the Saved Link.

  2. Update the number of listings

    If you want to update the number of listings per Saved Link in the XML file, change the number on the Qty. Listings column and click on the "Update" button.

    A popup will show up with the Saved Link details and number of listings. Click on the "Update" button.

    You can do the same with the other Saved Links.

    Once you have updated the number of listings, click on the "Update File" button to generate the XML feed again.

    The XML feed will be updated everyday. If you want to update it manually, click on the "Update File" button.

  3. Facebook Ads

    Go to FB Real Estate Ads and scroll down to the section Set a Schedule for Your Catalog Data Feed Upload.

    There you can see the steps to add the XML file URL to your Facebook Business Manager.