Geolocation Saved Link Tutorial

How does it look?

When you activate the Geolocation tool, your leads can search listings by their current location:

Geolocation example in IDX Broker Saved Link page

How to set it up:

IDXAddons Settings

Turn on the settings, fill the fields in the form and click on "Save Settings". This will create a new IDX Broker Saved Link named nearme.

Geolocation settings form

The distance will be the radius that will serve to establish a circumference and show the properties to the client.

The default saved link values are the default search parameters that the saved link will have. These fields are optional.

Once you have filled the fields, click on "Save Settings".

Geolocation settings form filled

The IDX Broker saved link will be generated.

IDX Broker saved link creation

Click on "Copy code" and the script will be copied to your clipboard.

Copy code to your clipboard

IDX Broker Sub-Headers

Go to IDX Broker Sub-Headers, select the Saved Links tab and search for the saved link "nearme".

IDX Broker Saved Link sub-headers

Paste the code generated in IDXAddons Geolocation app and save the changes, remember to turn off the WYSIWYG option.

IDX Broker Saved Link sub-headers

And you're done! You only need to place the new saved link nearme somewhere in your page or menu, so leads can find properties near their current location, they only need to enable the location service.

Geolocation app - request location permission