1. Purpose

    This app allows you to create a saved search link based on the user’s geographical location, automatically displaying nearby properties to improve their search experience.

  2. Access the Platform

    Log in to your IDXAddons platform account

    In the main menu, select the Geolocation Saved Link App option.

  3. Setup Tab Configuration

    When you access the application, you will find the Setup tab.

    Enable the Service

    In the first section, you'll need to activate the service by clicking the Toggle button. This will create a new IDX Broker Saved Link named nearme.
    Click it again if you need to deactivate the service.

    Set Distance (Miles) and Zoom Level
    • Set Distance (Miles)
      • Define the search radius in miles. The maximum value is 11 miles, which will create a circular area around the user's location to display nearby properties.
      • For additional help, there is a link providing a brief guide on how to convert kilometers to miles.
    • Zoom Level
      • Set the map zoom level. The recommended value is 13.
    Default Values

    The default values for the saved link are optional parameters that control the search filters. These include:

    • Property Type – Choose the type of property from various options.
    • Minimum and Maximum Price – Set the price range for the properties.
    • Sort By – Click to see a dropdown list of sorting options.
    Save Settings

    Once you’ve completed all fields, click Save Settings. A saved link will be generated by IDX Broker, and a pop-up message will confirm that the saved link was successfully created.

    Copy Code

    Click Copy Code to copy the script to your clipboard.

    Verify Sub-Headers Code

    If you want to verify your Sub-Headers Code, click the button provided to check that the saved link contains the correct sub-header code.

  4. Adding Sub-Headers Scripts in IDXBroker

    Go to IDX Broker Sub-Headers,select the Saved Links tab and search for the saved link "nearme".

    IDX Broker Saved Link sub-headers

    Paste the code generated in IDXAddons Geolocation app and save the changes, remember to turn off the WYSIWYG option.

    IDX Broker Saved Link sub-headers

    And you're done! You only need to place the new saved link nearmesomewhere in your page or menu, so leads can find properties near their current location, they only need to enable the location service.

    Geolocation app - request location permission