Text Alerts for Agents Tutorial
How to set it up:
Configure Webhook
1. Log into your IDX broker account and access this page:

2. Turn the WYSIWYG off
Click on this button to turn it off:

You may find that there is or isn't code there. You should never remove any codes you have there since you might lose styles and customizations if you remove them. If you're not sure if you have the Webhook already, you should use the browser search (CTRL+F) and check if the code you are about to paste is in the Sub-header section, if not, just paste it along with the other codes. You can paste it in the beginning or in the end of that section, but never in the middle of it.

3. Copy the code from the Webhook IDXAdd-ons page

4. Paste it in the Sub-headers box
Leave the code that is already there and paste the webhook afterwards.

5. Click on Save Changes

6. Go back to the Webhook IDXAdd-ons page and click on Validate

This can take about 60 seconds for our server to check the websites and make sure they are in place.

In this case, we have "Success" for 4 URL's and "Not Found" for one of them. "Success" means the Webhook is configured. The websites that have "Not Found" probably have some other subheaders on those pages.
To fix it, you need to find the individual page that has the error and add the webhook individually. If you find that the "featured" page shows "No results" like in this case, go back to IDX Broker and click on Pages (below Subheaders) to find it:

If there is a custom subheader, the page will have a P next to its title.
Turn the WYSIWYG Off, paste the webhook after whatever is there (don't erase anything) and click on save changes.

Click on "Validate" again and check if there's still an error:

In this case, all of the pages now have the webhook activated!
If you were to have more URLS that say "Not found", click on "Categories" and check if there's a different subheader on those pages. If there is, there will be a C next to the Category name.

In that case, you would need to click on it, paste the webhook code after anything that's there (don't erase it), and save changes.
Type in your cell phone:

Type in the cell phone number where you want to receive an SMS alert and then type it again for confirmation.
Make sure to switch "Enable Text Alerts" to "On".
If you switch "Enable Agents Text Alerts" to "On", the lead's agent will be receiving the text alerts.
You can toggle both options on/off as you prefer.
Every time a visitor signs up to your site, you'll get an SMS that looks similar to this:

Every time a visitor who's made an account returns, you'll get an SMS that looks similar to this:

This way, you can create a lead for these visitors and contact them personally to help them find the right property for them.
Troubleshoot section for Webhook
If this error shows up when you click on "Validate" in the Webhook section, it probably means that the URLs don't match in IDX Broker and in the IDX Addons page. The URL it is searching for is the IDX default, which we don't have. In this case, the details page is different from what the webook is searching for, and this is because we had previously changed the URL.

There you'll be able to edit the URLs of your IDX pages.

The highlighted portion shows the link that needs to be changed because it's not found. We can see that it's the "details" link.
If you have a similar issue and need to fix this, go to https://middleware.idxbroker.com/mgmt/pages.
The only item below the Details Pages is the one called "Homes" so that one is the one we need to change.

When you click on it, scroll down to where it says "Page Options" and you will see this:

In our case, we had the page URL ending in "homes" when the Webhook was searching for a URL that ends in "listing".
Change "homes" to "listing" and click on "Save Changes".

Validate your link again and if this was done correctly, the webhook should be validated correctly.