
HighLevel/LeadConnector One-Click Tutorial

Build an IDX Broker website with HighLevel templates, in minutes.

  1. IDXAddons - Template Page

    In IDXAddons, the first time you go to the LeadConnector One-Click page, it will show a "Buy Template" button. Click on it to go to the payment page.

    IMPORTANT: check that you have HTTPS enabled on your IDX Broker account. If you don't have it, you will see a warning message saying that you need to enable it.

    This can lead to potential issues with certain IDXAddons apps and display your IDX pages as not secure. Enabling HTTPS is crucial for optimal performance and security.
    Go to your IDX account to enable HTTPS.

    If you have an IDX Broker Lite account, it will display a message saying that you need to upgrade to Platinum to get all the features (like the AI-communities). Click on the Upgrade to Platinum button to go to the IDX Broker upgrade page.

    You can continue with the setup process, but you will not be able to use the AI-communities feature, we will only generate IDX Broker Saved Links.

    After clicking on the "Buy Template" button, you will be redirected to the payment page.

    Once you complete the payment, it will display a success message and you will be redirected to the LeadConnector One-Click page to start the setup process.

  2. IDX Integration

    If you paid for the LeadConnector One-click setup with IDX integration you will need to send us the following information to support@realtycandy.com:

    • HighLevel access (email & password) - you will need to create a new Admin user with the email support@realtycandy.com so we can create your LeadConnector site. We need Admin access to the GHL Sites page and the Custom Values. This is so we can log in without bothering you and ask for the verification code sent to your email or phone.
      Follow this tutorial to create a new user.
    • Primary City - within your MLS
    • 2 Secondary Cities - within your MLS
    • IDX Broker access (email & password) - we will check that everything is working correctly on the IDX side
    • Logo - we will use the one provided on your HighLevel sub-account, but in case you want to update it, send us the image URL or file
    • Contact Information (email, phone number, office address, or any social media you would like to add) - this information will appear in your website so leads can contact you. We will also update the widgets and your IDX Broker pages so they display the right information.
    • Any image you want to add for the Hero section or the communities (cities) that will be displayed

  3. Setup - Behind the scenes

    Here we will explain how to fill out the form. If you paid for the LeadConnector One-click setup with IDX integration you don't need to worry about this form, we will fill it out for you.

    When you're redirected to the LeadConnector One-Click page, you will see a multi-step form to fill out.

    Click on "Start Now" to start the setup process.

    Select a name for your website and click on "Next".

    Select the apps that you want to add to your LeadConnector website. You can select all of them or just the ones you want.

    What IDXAddons apps will be added?

    Enter the API Key of your HighLevel sub-account. In this sub-account we will create the Custom Values.

  4. HighLevel Sub-account API Key

    To get your HighLevel API Key, go to your HighLevel account, and click on "Settings" at the bottom left corner.

    It will take you to the Business Profile Settings. There you will find your API Key.

    Click on the "clipboard" icon. It will copy the API Key to your clipboard.

  5. IDXAddons Setup (continuation)

    Go back to the IDXAddons LeadConnector One-Click setup page and paste the API Key.

    Click on "Next".

    A loading icon will appear while we get your HighLevel forms, so you can select the one you want to use for your IDX Broker lead capture.

    After the loading icon disappears, you will see a list of your HighLevel forms.

    Select the one you want to use for your IDX Broker lead capture and click on "Next".

    Select a primary community for your website. This will be the main city or county displayed on your website.

    The available options are retrieved from your MLS. We will create an IDX Broker Saved Link for this city and a community page for it (for IDX Broker Platinum clients).

    Select 2 secondary communities for your website. We will generate IDX Broker Saved Links and community pages for them (for IDX Broker Platinum clients).

    After clicking on "Next", we will start the process of creating your IDX Broker Saved Links and community pages, setting up the widgets and creating the Custom Values in your HighLevel sub-account.

    We will start generating the Saved Link for the primary community.

    Then the process will continue with the secondary communities.

    After the Saved Links are created, we will send the data to LeadConnector to create the Custom Values.

    After sending the data to HighLevel, the IDXAddons page will reload and you will see the values that were created.

    You can go to your HighLevel sub-account and check that the Custom Values were created.

  6. Website Setup

    Now that the IDXAddons setup is complete, we will start the LeadConnector website setup.

    We will send you an email with a link to clone the website and request the data from the IDX Integration. To clone the website, you need to log in to https://app.gohighlevel.com/ with your HighLevel credentials (not using the white-label domain), if not, the shared link will not work.

    After logging in, go to the Sites > Websites section. If you haven't created a website yet, the page will show like this.

    Open the link we sent you in the email or that appears in the IDXAddons LeadConnector One-Click page. It will take you to the website clone page.

    Click on "Add Website".

    A popup will appear with the Website Name prefilled. You can change the name of the website if you want.

    Select the location or sub-account where the website will be cloned and click on "Clone Website".

    After clicking on "Clone Website", the website will be cloned and you will be redirected to the Websites page. There you will see the website you just cloned and a spinning icon beside it. This means that the website is being created.

    If the spinning icon continue showing after 3 minutes, refresh the page, so it shows the updated status of the website.

    This is how the Websites page will look like after the website is created. The spinning icon will disappear.

    Click on the website name to go to the website pages.

    If you preview the website, you will see that the IDX Broker links and IDXAddons widgets are displaying with your information.


    • If your MLS approval is not complete, some widgets will not display properly, e.g. Google Map Widget, IDX Broker New Widgets.
    • How to point the LeadConnector domain? - Visit Domain Setup (Funnels & Websites)
    • The IDX Integration usually takes 2 business days to be completed.

How to edit the template and widgets?

Learn more about our app and how to use it.

How to change a menu item?

How to update a widget?