Search Tool Tutorial

How does it look?

When you activate the Omnisearch Creator, your clients can make a search like this:

Omnisearch Bar Example

And the listings that match their search criteria will show up:

Listings that match search criteria

How to set it up:

1. Set up the address settings

Select the property types of each MLS for which you want addresses added to the search bar

Select property types per MLS

If your MLS is not available, send an email to telling us what MLS and property type addresses should be displayed.

Warning if your MLS is not added

2. Fill in the placeholder text

This is the first box that shows up in the Omnisearch Creator set up:

First box of the Omnisearch Creator

This is the text that will show up in the search bar, it will serve as a guide for users so that they know what they have to search:

Placeholder text box

3. Customize the bar

Bar customization

It's worth noting that you can click on as many fields as you'd like in the "Disable Fields", only one "Property Type", and can toggle the "open new tab" on and off as you'd like.

Disable Fields

Choose which fields you want to Disable. If you want any field to NOT show up on the search bar, click on it.

Property Type

If you click on...

None: A regular search bar will be generated (like the one above).

Buy and Sell Tabs: The search bar will have Buy, Rent, and Sell tabs above the bar.

Buy, Rent, and Sell tabs above the bar

The Buy and Rent tabs will work in the same way, but if you click on "Sell", this page will show up:

Sell page example Home Valuation form

If clients fill in this Home Valuation form, they will receive a report.

Dropdown menu: The bar will include a "Select Property Type" dropdown menu.

Dropdown menu


Open New Tab: If you click on this button, when clients click on the search button after filling out the search criteria, the properties will automatically open up in a new tab.

Sort By: The bar will include a "Sort By" dropdown menu.

Sort by options


If you activate this button, the bar will include a "Status" dropdown menu. You can select the options that will be disabled in the dropdown menu.

Status option

For this example, we disabled the status "Short Sale Pending".

Omnisearch without Short Sale Pending status option

Advanced Field

You can add one advanced search field to your omnisearch, just select the MLS and Property Type to display the available searching fields. For this example, we will select "Property Sub Type" and click on "Save Advanced Field".

Select and save the Property Sub Type advanced field

The bar will include a "Property Sub Type" dropdown menu.

Property Sub Type option in the omnisearch

4. Copy and paste the code

Once you're happy with your selection, click on the "Copy Code" button. The code will be automatically copied to your clipboard. You can now paste it in the section of your page where you want the search bar to appear.

The widget code will change depending on the selected property types per MLS.

Widget code example