Widget Themes
We've created several useful apps to help you add styling to your widgets and get them on your site faster than ever before.
Use this appGet IDXAddons Now
Unlock IDX Broker potential with IDXAddons. Enjoy our amazing & fully customizable widgets to make your website stunning.
Power Up Your IDX Widgets with Stunning Themes
We have over 20 themes that you can apply and brand to your website. Transform your property showcase or carousel IDX Broker widgets into eye-catching displays of real estate excellence! With WidgetThemes, you can now take your property listings to the next level by adding beautiful and customizable themes to your widgets. Say goodbye to plain and mundane displays and welcome a world of creativity and style.
Widget Themes + Cloudinary: Speed and Style for Your IDX Widgets
Widget Themes revolutionizes the way you display properties by offering a cutting-edge Cloudinary integration that optimizes and reduces image sizes without compromising on quality. Now, your widget images will load at lightning speed, ensuring your potential buyers never have to wait. Bid farewell to sluggish page loads and embrace a smoother, more engaging user experience.
Speedy IDX Widgets
IDX Broker widgets will load faster and are speed optimized for higher Google Page Insights score
Agent Listings
If an agent doesn't have any featured or supplemental listings, use this add-on to show a saved link instead
Fallback Widget
Reduce blank space on your webpage. If the main widget is not available, it\'ll be replaced with the fallback widget
Merge Widgets
Merge 2 showcase or carousel widgets into one. It includes an option to sort the listings
Team Widget Creator
Merge different team listings: featured, sold or supplemental, and add a theme to the result widget
Saved Link to Widget
Turn any of your saved links into a widget for you to showcase on your website
Themes for the new IDX Broker Widgets
Increase the speed of your website and decrease its load time by resizing a widget's images.